Dialogue Health Technologies Inc. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Policies



Dialogue Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020-2025

As part of Dialogue Health Technologies Inc. (“Dialogue”) commitment to accessibility, this multi-year Accessibility Plan has been developed outlining the company’s strategy and the actions that have, and will be, implemented to prevent and remove barriers from its workplace, and to improve opportunities for persons with disabilities. This multi-year Accessibility Plan outlines the steps Dialogue is taking to meet its requirements under the Accessibilities for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and focuses on Dialogue’s initiatives in respect of the AODA’s Accessibility Standards in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians.


Customer Service

Dialogue is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with disabilities. Dialogue complied with the AODA’s Customer Service Standard with the following initiatives that are ongoing:

  • An accessibility policy was put in place so Dialogue’s employees, volunteers and customers can know what to expect.
  • Dialogue’s staff and volunteers are trained to serve customers of all abilities.
  • A written record of accessibility training provided by Dialogue is maintained.
  • Service animals and support persons are welcomed on all Dialogue premises.
  • Accessible ways for people to provide feedback on how Dialogue provides services to people with disabilities was made available.


Dialogue is committed to ensuring that Dialogue Customer Service Policy is completely implemented by June 30, 2021.


Information and Communications

Dialogue currently provides accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities upon request.  Dialogue provides notice to the public of this availability and consults will the person making such a request to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.

Dialogue is committed to ensuring all Dialogue internet websites and web content conform with Level AA of the WCAG 2.0 by January 1, 2021 as required by the AODA’s Information and Communications Standard.


Policies and Training

Dialogue has and will continue to implement policies and initiatives in accordance with the AODA by taking the following steps:

  • Implementing policies outlining Dialogue’s commitment to accessibility. (Implemented by December 1st, 2020)
  • Providing training to Dialogue’s employees and volunteers on accessibility and human rights legislation, as it pertains to people with disabilities. (Implemented as of November 1st, 2020, and ongoing as new employees/volunteers join the company.



In accordance with the AODA’s Employment Standards, Dialogue will by December 1st, 2020 implemented the following initiatives:

  • Ensure Dialogue’s employment processes for hiring, retention and career development are accessible.
  • Document Dialogue’s processes for developing individual accommodation plans and return-to-work plans.
  • Provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability where Dialogue is aware of the need for accommodation.


Accessibility Plan Review

This multi-year Accessibility Plan will be reviewed and updated at least once every five (5) years. The current Accessibility Plan will be reviewed, and updated as appropriate, no later than January 1, 2025.



Dialogue is committed to ensure that its process for receiving and responding to feedback is accessible to persons with disabilities and will respond to feedback promptly.

For more information on this Accessibility Plan, please contact: support@dialogue.co

Upon request, a copy of this Accessibility Plan will be provided in an accessible format free of charge.




Dialogue Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy


Statement of Commitment

Dialogue Health Technologies Inc. (“Dialogue”) is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.



Dialogue is committed to training staff and volunteers on Ontario’s accessibility laws and on accessibility aspects of the Ontario Human Rights Code that apply to persons with disabilities. Training will be provided in a way that best suits the duties of employees, volunteers, and Board of Directors.


Information and communications

Dialogue is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. When asked, we will provide information and communications materials in accessible formats or with communication supports. This includes publicly available information about our services and facilities, as well as publicly available emergency and safety information.

Dialogue will consult with people with disabilities to determine their information and communication needs.

We will ensure existing feedback processes are accessible to people with disabilities upon request.

We aim to make our website and content conform with WCAG 2.0, Level AA by January 1, 2022.



Dialogue is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.

We will notify the public and staff that, when requested, we will accommodate disabilities during recruitment and assessment processes and when people are hired. 

If needed, we will create an individual accommodation plan and/or workplace emergency information for any employees who have a disability. 

Our performance management, career development, redeployment, and return-to-work processes will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities.


Modifications to this or other policies

Any of our policies that do not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or removed.


For More Information

For more information on this policy, please contact our support team at support@dialogue.co

Accessible formats of this document are available free upon request.




Dialogue Customer Service Policy 



Providing Services to People with Disabilities

1. Our mission

The mission of Dialogue Health Technologies Inc. (“Dialogue”) is to give access to telemedicine services to a greater number of people.


2. Our commitment

In fulfilling our mission, Dialogue strives at all times to provide its services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in a similar way as other customers.


3. Providing services to people with disabilities

Dialogue aims to ensure that persons with disabilities are provided excellent service, equal opportunity to obtain, use and benefit from Dialogue services. Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that:

  • Services are provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities;
  • The services provided to persons with disabilities are integrated with the provision to others unless an alternate measure is necessary to allow a person with a disability to benefit from the services;
  • Communication with a person with a disability is conducted in a manner that takes into account his or her disability. We will train staff who communicate with customers on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
  • People with disabilities may use assistive devices and support persons as is necessary to access Dialogue services.

4. Use of support persons

We are committed to provide our services to people with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person. 


5. Notice of temporary disruption

Dialogue will provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in the services usually used by people with disabilities. This notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative services, if available.


6. Training for staff

Dialogue will provide training to all employees, volunteers, contractors, and all those who are involved in the development and approvals of customer service policies, practices and procedures. Individuals in the following positions will be trained:

This training will be provided as soon as practicable following a new employee commencing its duties.

Training will include the following:

  • The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person
  • How to use the equipment or devices available at Dialogue that may help with the provision of services to persons with disabilities.
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing Dialogue’s services
  • Dialogue’s policies, practices and procedures relating to the customer service standard.


Staff and volunteers will be trained on policies, practices and procedures that affect the way services are provided to people with disabilities. Staff will also be trained on an ongoing basis when changes are made to these policies, practices and procedures.


7. Feedback process

The ultimate goal of Dialogue is to meet and surpass customer expectations while serving customers with disabilities. Comments on our services regarding how well those expectations are being met are welcome and appreciated.

Feedback regarding the way Dialogue provides goods and services to people with disabilities, and on our feedback process itself, can be made by email at support@dialogue.co. All feedback will be directed to the appropriate department. Customers can expect to hear back in five (5) days.


8. Modifications to this or other policies

We are committed to developing customer service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Therefore, no changes will be made to this policy before considering the impact on people with disabilities.

Any policy of Dialogue that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or removed.


9. Questions about this policy

This policy exists to achieve service excellence to customers with disabilities. If anyone has a question about the policy, or if the purpose of a policy is not understood, an explanation should be provided by, or referred to, Senior Manager, Compliance of Dialogue.







Dialogue is proud to have a diverse workforce and provide a safe, inclusive, and accessible work environment. As part of our commitment to it, we're introducing a policy to foster inclusivity in the workplace and to meet the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation (IASR) for the Employment Standard set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).


We want all talent and culture practices at Dialogue to follow the principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equal opportunity while making sure it's free from discrimination and harassment. We will identify, remove, and prevent accessibility barriers that may prevent the full participation of persons with disabilities in the workplace. This includes any physical, environmental, communication, and technological challenges.



You may request an accessible format or communication support:

  • by email at hr@dialogue.co 
  • by phone at 438-940-2635
  • in-person at any Dialogue Office
    • 390 Notre-Dame St. W, Suite 200, H2Y 1T9
    • 111 Richmond Street, Suite 500, Toronto, ON M5H 2G4



Dialogue will make every reasonable effort to accommodate selected job applicants who have disabilities. Selected applicants will be informed that these accommodations are available, upon request, for the interview process. If a request for accommodation is needed for a candidate to participate in the hiring process, Dialogue will consult with the applicant and provide or arrange for the provision of suitable accommodation that takes into account the applicant’s disability-related needs.


All job postings and offer letters will have the following at the bottom:


Dialogue welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities and accommodations are available on request. 



Dialogue will ensure that all persons receive training as required by the IASR. Employees will be trained on policies, practices, and procedures that support the full participation of persons with disabilities in the workplace.



Dialogue will take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans, when conducting performance management, or providing career development and advancement to employees.



If an employee with a disability requests such, Dialogue will make every reasonable effort to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for information needed in order to perform their job and information that is generally available to all employees in the workplace.



Dialogue will develop and have in place written processes for documenting individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. The process for the development of these accommodation plans shall include specific elements, including:


  • The ways in which the employee can participate in the development of the plan;
  • The means by which the employee is assessed on an individual basis;
  • The ways an employee can request an evaluation by an outside medical expert, or other experts to determine if an accommodation can be achieved, or how it can be achieved; 
  • The taken steps to protect the privacy of the employee’s personal information; 
  • The frequency with which the individual accommodation plan should be reviewed or updated determined, and how it should be done; 
  • The means of providing the accommodation plan in an accessible format, based on the employee’s accessibility needs. 



Dialogue will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees with disabilities where the disability is such that individualized information is necessary and Dialogue is aware of the need for accommodation. Dialogue will provide workplace emergency response information as soon as practicable after learning of the need for accommodation due to an employee’s disability. Where an employee who receives individualized workplace emergency response information requires assistance and with the employee’s consent, Dialogue will designate a person to provide assistance to the employee. Dialogue will review individualized workplace emergency response information, at minimum, whenever:


  • the employee moves to a different location in the organization
  • the employee’s overall accommodation needs or plans are reviewed
  • Dialogue reviews it general emergency response policies



Dialogue shall have in place a documented return to work process for employees returning to work due to disability and requiring disability-related accommodations. This return to work process shall outline the steps that the Dialogue shall take to facilitate the return to work.


Develop an Individual Accommodation Plan (IAP) that includes the following:

  • The team member’s participation in the development of the IAP;
  •  Assessment on an individual basis;
  • Identification of accommodations to be provided;
  • Timelines for the provision of accommodations;
  • Dialogue may request an evaluation by outside medical or another expert, at our expense, to assist with determining accommodation and how to achieve accommodation;
  • Steps taken to protect the privacy of the team member’s personal information;
  • Frequency with which the IAP will be reviewed and updated and the manner in which it will be done;
  • A format that takes into account the team member’s disability needs; 
  • If requested, any information regarding accessible formats and communication supports provided; 
  • Identification of any other accommodation that is to be provided.