Posted by Midhat Zaman on June 9, 2023
Midhat Zaman

As Canadians continue to grapple with ongoing mental health and well-being issues, it's becoming increasingly clear that access to quality employee health benefits is more critical than ever. Fortunately, virtual care options like the ones offered by Dialogue are helping to bridge the gap for employees who may not have the time or resources to put their health first. 


How employees benefit from Dialogue

When they gain access to Dialogue’s virtual health and wellness programs, members benefit from a seamless onboarding process and ongoing engagement. This continuous support empowers members to prioritize their well-being throughout their lives.

In fact, compared to employees who do not have access to Dialogue, members are more conscious of their health, more engaged with their benefits, and feel more physically healthy. 

Remote workers, who often face unique challenges, experience reduced mental health concerns with Dialogue – only 27% report feeling more stressed and anxious, versus 40% of non-members. This can be attributed to their ergonomic work setup at home, as they are more aware of their overall well-being and take appropriate measures to mitigate musculoskeletal issues.

But access to the right resources also makes a difference. 

When it comes to benefit plans, many Canadians find their access to mental health support to be inadequate. But Dialogue’s mental health program – based on clinical best practices – equips members with powerful, flexible care, addressing their specific needs. This means 78% of members are satisfied with the mental health support they receive (10% more than their peers). 

By giving employees access to Dialogue, employers show a commitment to their workforce. It’s no wonder that so many Dialogue members report a positive work environment, as they feel valued and supported by their employer's investment in their health and wellness.


How organizations benefit from Dialogue

Absenteeism is less of a concern for employers who provide access to Dialogue’s high-touch health and well-being solution. With Dialogue’s programs, employees can manage their health without needing time away from work.

While many Canadian organizations are worried about retention and turnover, these aren’t top issues for workplaces that have Dialogue. Employees who have access to the Integrated Health Platform are 44% more likely to stay with their employer and experience greater job satisfaction.

The reason behind this is simple: measurable health outcomes. Dialogue gives employees the necessary resources to address health and lifestyle concerns that might otherwise affect their well-being, both at work and at home. 

Dialogue is also a strong tool to add to an organization’s benefits package and talent attraction arsenal. When you show prospective team members that you genuinely care about their well-being, you can help them envision a long-term future within your workplace.

Take a look at the finding from our latest research.


Infographic-En (1)

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Topics: For Organizations

About the author

Midhat Zaman is a content strategist, marketer, and avid writer at Dialogue. She is deeply committed to helping HR leaders and employees effectively navigate workplace challenges. Midhat puts her love for great content to work with health and wellness in mind. Through insightful articles, comprehensive guides, and more, she aims to empower Canadians with the right support to improve their well-being.